When Albert Land Guthrie (26), of no fixed address, pleaded guilty at Barnsley to-day to charges of burglary at the Girls╒ High School and the Grammar School, Mr. Herbert Smith, the Yorkshire miners╒ president, who was the presiding magistrate, addressing the prisoner, said, ╥You have already been convicted on ten charges, and there are three to-day and eight more to be taken into consideration.╙ Mr. Smith was proceeding to say, ╥You seem to be determined to carry on this business,╙ when Guthrie interjected, ╥Yes, sir. It is my profession.╙ He was committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions.
Henry John Biggs, a miner, of Summer Lane, Barnsley, who was charged with receiving a number of the articles stolen, was sent to prison for six months. Biggs told the magistrates he merely hid the articles for Guthrie.